Tuesday, November 13, 2012

XLVI - solo yots and Kaffeekantate

abscess (spiritual)
the kathisma* for the 9th hour

byld (sprituel)
kathisma'en* for den 9ende time

a novice ties together
33 dust bunnies

en novice binder 33
nullermænd sammen

wish I could shut up
but: I saw the sun

bare jeg ku' holde kæft
men: jeg så solen
i dag

Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht**
coffee taken in silence

Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht**
kaffe drukket i stilhed


* katihsma (hard t) = (sitting) the 3 David Psalms read during the Orthodox reading of the hours (horologion)
* kathisma = (siddende) læsningen af de 3 Davidssalmer i den Ortodokse timebøn (horologion)

** Kaffeekantate, Coffee Cantata, Kaffekantate J. S. Bach

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