Thursday, June 30, 2011


incessant rain I translate my body from Latin

regn uden ophør jeg oversætter min krop fra latin

… and when the Earth settles a femur flute plays ”In-a-gadda-da-vida”

… og når Jorden falder til ro spiller en femurfløjte ”In-a-gadda-da-vida”

Important document

Reading Max Verhart's article in the recent ed. of Modern Haiku (42.2 summer) I searched the web for "The Matsuyama Declaration". This is very important and upfifting reading if you're - as I am - a bit annoyed and fed up with the eternal discussion of the rules of haiku.

There seems to be, as in most convert's circles, a tendency to be more Japanese than the Japanese themselves. This is an akward "movement" in that respect, that "they" seem to adhere to haiku rules long abandoned - or reformed - by the Japanese haijin themselves. In broad terms.

Of course there are the same disagreements around haiku in Japan as there are in the West - more or less. But, from what I can sense, there is a broader sense of how all the (sub-)genres of haiku taken together is haiku. Haiku is a many-branched river, but all of the water is part of the overall stream ...

Read this document and learn how (some) Japanese think about haiku in the West in the 21. Century.

Read The Matsuyama Declaration here

[muddy pool / mudret pyt]

a young boy
like a muddy pool -
on and on this path of aging goes

en ung dreng
som en mudret pyt -
alderens sti bli'r ved og ved


(built on Nagata Kooi's poem found on "The Matsuyama Declaration")


this man
a homeless echo – ravens
play a part in this

denne mand
et hjemløst ekko -
ravne spiller ind her

Saturday, June 25, 2011

[spirit animal / åndedyr]

multiply by 2.54 -
my spirit animal
is a snail

gang med 2,54 -
mit åndedyr
er en snegl

Thursday, June 23, 2011

[empire / emperie]

a new empire -
the boy knows nought about his history
but can say: ”fuck you, bitch”

et nyt emperie -
drengen ved intet om historie
men kan sige ”fuck dig, bitch”

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


rhododendron rhododendron I am almost a train

rhododendron rhododendron jeg er næsten et tog

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

[tuna burial / tunbegravelse]

full moon trivia -
a tuna is buried
in hundreds of tin cans

fuldmåne trivia -
en tunfisk begraves
i hundreder af dåser

(a revision)

[poppy capsules / valmuekapsler]

poppy capsules -
psalm 51 creates lumps
in a steady horizon

valmuekapsler -
salme 51 laver klumper
i en rolig horisont

Monday, June 20, 2011

[Monday appointment / mandagsaftale]

a Monday appointment -
the Western wind takes off
with the roses

en mandagsaftale -
vestenvinden tager af sted
med roserne

Friday, June 17, 2011

[white peonies / hvide pæoner]

white peonies -
who casts the shadow
that is me?

hvide pæoner -
hvem kaster skyggen
som er mig?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

[encircled by swallows / omringet af svaler]

encircled by swallows
my house stands breathing

omringet af svaler
står mit hus og ånder

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

[blushing moon / rødmende måne]

not counting ladybugs -
I dress and undress
beneath a blushing moon

tæller ikke mariehøns -
jeg klæder mig af og på
under en rødmende måne

Sunday, June 12, 2011

[beneath Zenith / under Zenith]

beneath Zenith -
a drop of water dissolves
the word ”Dear”

under Zenith -
en dråbe vand opløser
ordet ”Kære”

Friday, June 10, 2011


going upwards
I become even bluer -
a saxophone solo

mens jeg går opad
bliver jeg stadig mere blå -
en saxofon solo

Thursday, June 9, 2011


lights from a festive city -
the glass-face I wear
during rockslides

lys fra en festende by -
glasansigtet jeg bærer
ved stenskred


temporary relief -
while the pears ripen
I'm stuck on Earth

midlertidig lettelse .
mens pærerne modnes
sidder jeg fast på Jorden

Saturday, June 4, 2011


NaHaiWriMo prompt June 3, 2011: space travels or space in general

NaHaiWriMo emne 3. Juni 2011: rumrejser eller rummet generelt

moon landing -
I scratch my ear
with a plastic soldier

månelanding -
jeg klør mit øre
med en plastiksoldat


Voyager -
the loose bulb
behind the sun

Voyager -
den løse pære
bag solen


ghost of Laika -
no lampposts
beyond Eris

Laikas spøgelse -
ingen lygtepæle
efter Eris

(Eris: the 10th planet of our Solar System)


ghost of Laika -
a yuhangyuan hides
his lunchbox

Laikas spøgelse -
en yuhangyuan gemmer
sin madkasse

(Chinese astronauts are called yuhangyuans. One of them ate dog meat in space:


mirrored universe -
I house a solar system
behind my belly button

et spejlet univers -
jeg huser et solsystem
bag navlen


earth walking -
I wonder if the Celestials
televise this

jordvandring -
gad vide om De Himmelske
sender dette

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"when the man comes around" or "how to bribe Death"

knick-knacks -
I bribe off Death
with a glass ballerina

tingeltangel -
jeg bestikker Døden
med en glasballerina


knick-knacks -
will Charon settle for
a plactic gondol?

tingeltangel -
vil Charon være tilfreds
med en plastikgondol


red glass dolphin -
will this be a treat
for Yama

rød glasdelfin -
ku' den være en godbid
for Yama


before Styx I pause
I can't use Visa

foran Styx standsler jeg op
kommer i tanker om
at Visa ikke du'r


I argue:
I haven't got reservations -
Charon's toothless smile

jeg påpeger:
jeg har ikke pladsreservation -
Charons tandløse smil


born and reborn -
Charon's helpers snatches
my purse

født og genfødt -
Charons hjælpere stjæler
min pung


making a deal
Charon accepts a delay
if I can sing like Cash

I will make you hurt
we sing in a duet -
I'm the 2. voice

indgår en aftale -
Charon giver ekstra tid
hvis jeg kan synge som Cash

I will make you hurt
synger vi i duet -
jeg tager 2. stemmen


throwing a bone
for Anubis to catch -
eternity spent in limbo

kaster et ben
som Anubis kan gribe -
lever evigheden i limbo